Thursday, February 14, 2013

7 Months old - Oh My!!

Boy oh Boy how time is flying right by. I can’t believe the boys will be 7 MONTHS on Sunday. It really is unbelievable how fast time flies with little ones. I always remember hearing everyone say that, but you never think it is true till you experience it yourself. The boys are both doing awesome. I couldn’t be happier. They got their last RSV shot this month and will be getting their 2nd flu shot tomorrow. Wesley is does not like shots at all – where Westyn takes it like a champ! Westyn cries for a few seconds, realizes his pacifier is in his mouth and is perfectly fine. Wesley on the other hand… Has his moment and it takes me a few minutes to calm him down and then his look is just priceless with his “bug eyes” and his concerned look as to why do you keep doing this to me!! At that appointment the boys weighed in at Westyn: 16lbs 12oz and Wesley: 15lbs 4oz. You can really tell a difference in their weights when you pick them up. Wesley feels like a feather compared to Westyn.
They are both rolling over. Westyn really gets around. We have caught him under a chair and under our coffee table. He also moves from one end of his crib to the other (side to side / tummy to back). Wesley moves just as much as well. He starts on a blanket and ends up turning till he is completely off. They both still love to suck on their fingers. Wesley especially loves to have his fingers in his mouth. He also loves to have a blankie to suck on. His poor cheeks stay chap because of his slobber, so we put Vaseline on them to help keep the moisture off. Westyn has found his feet and loves to hold on to his legs and try to get his toes in his mouth. If Wesley is close he is trying to lick him or give him love. Wesley isn’t too thrilled when Westyn bothers him – he is more content on his own. They are both starting to babble and their crying has gotten louder with time!! They will definitely let you know when they need something or want your attention. They are getting to be so much fun and their little personalities are so different from each other.
They continue to keep us very very busy… between the feeding, diaper changing, and playing we are constantly on the go. They are both eating around 6-8ozs at each feeding. Ronnie and me laughed the other day at how we used to think 2 ounces of milk was SOOO much and now they are triple that!! We have also started them on baby food and they are having no issues enjoying that. It’s fun to see how they react to each food once it is introduced to them. I have started them on just veggies and haven’t done any fruit yet. The only thing we have tried so far that they did not like was avocadoes.  Our next step is purchasing some highchairs so we can get them sitting up instead of using their loungers to eat. They are starting to get harder to feed that way because they want to grab at everything, especially Westyn. I definitely think Westyn is going to be our instigator (like his daddy)!!
I have also started up a team for March of dimes – March for Babies that takes place on April 20th. The cause is very important to me and my family because it touches on premature labor. Premature labor is a very scary thing and that day plays back in my head all the time of what happened and what caused me to go into labor at just 28 weeks gestation. It’s my hope that being the ambassador family for March for babies helps raise awareness for this great cause and can help at least one person not have to go thru what we did. The whole experience is a scary one and no one should ever have to experience it. I never in my life thought that I would have gone into labor so early and had to experience the whole NICU process. We did meet some amazing people along the way and I have now had the opportunity to be involved in so many things to help raise awareness that it’s a life changing experience. I am trying to get donations to go towards this great cause and help raise awareness.. If you are interested in donating you can contact me direct or visit my team page. My cell (979) 203-0786 or email – our team page - any donations are greatly appreciated!! If you are interested in joining my team or creating your own team and walking for a great cause contact me and I can get you in the right direction.
As always please continue to pray for the boys that we continue to make it thru this cold season with no sicknesses and that the boys continue to flourish as they have been doing!!