Showered with Gifts
We have had a very productive weekend. Yesterday I went to visit the boys with Morgan and Kayla and had a great visit as always. The boys were very active and moving around and sucking on their paci's. They definitely seem to be getting stronger as time is going by. It's always nice to have company at the visits and see their reactions to the boys and the different things they do and also see who they think each boy looks like. I definitley appreciate everyone that drove me to see the boys over the past week while I was not able to drive and get myself around.
Today was a very busy day. We got up this morning and my parents picked up me and Ronnie with the nephews and we made our way to College Station to get our time in with the boys before my baby shower at 1. Both boys are still doing great. Not much change, but like I always tell the nurses no change is better then bad changes.
Westyn: 3lbs 2.3ounces - 29ml milk
Wesley: 3lbs 1.9 ounces - 28 ml milk
The NICU doctor, Dr. Stiener, had warned us that it was probably going to start getting boring with the boys changes, but that is okay. I would rather it be boring then the craziness of things going wrong.
After the visit with the boys we headed back home and I loaded up my car with all the things I needed for the boy shower and headed to the hall. We had a great turnout at the shower and am so thankful for everyone that came and ALL the wonderful gifts that we were showered with to make us more prepared for the boys arrival at home. The hostesses did a great job and had TONS of food for everyone and had the hall decorated super cute. I had story time telling how the how surprise arrival of the boys took place.. and yes I did break down and cry.. I tried not too, but the emotions overtook me. After story time we opened gifts and that was very overwhelming with everyone's generosity on everything that we received. The boys are definitely blessed.
Once again thank you to: Bonnie, Morgan, Sarah, Patti, Nichole, Darleen, Jill, Jenny, and Kay on throwing the boys such a wonderful shower. We are so thankful for each and every one of you!!
Like always - - Please continue to pray for the boys so they can come home soon.
It was great seeing you today. I loved the pictures of the boys and especailly loved their sweet little footprints. It is amazing at the wonderful progress they are making. I will continue to pray and I hope that they get to come home sooner then later. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help.